Author: Saralynn

7 Lessons I Learned from My Toddler

Most parents say that their kids grow up too fast and though I have to agree with that statement mostly, I feel that Caleb has been 2 for a very long time and we still have 3 1/2 more months until he is 3.  I am not saying this in a negative way, but I just feel that...

The 4th Trimester

Madelynn turns 3 months this week and therefore we are both through what many call the “4th Trimester.”  This term is used for the first 12 weeks after birth as your baby transitions from the womb to the world.  This is also a crucial time for mama as you...

My Birth Story

My husband, son and I were thrilled to welcome Madelynn Elizabeth Laurel Baker into the world on July 22nd at 5:20 AM. After it taking 2 years to get my son into my belly, I had to kick him out at 41 weeks. 🙂 I really, really wanted to go into labor on my own with...